Are you an American? This coming week, most people would be happy to say, “Of course!” Monday is July 4th, we’ll be celebrating the birth of our nation, the home of the free and the land of the brave. We’ve had a lot of division in recent days over the decisions of the Supreme Court and other cultural and social issues. The polarization has been deep and painful. I have grieved over the pain of others and grieved as much over the ways some people I agree with have celebrated. It’s easy to get distracted from the bigger realities when these kinds of issues get entrenched and the media gives them a steroid boost. Whatever side of the issues we are on; let’s not forget, we live in America! What a blessing! The same principle is true with regard to our faith. It is easy to get distracted from the phenomenal truth that as believers, we are forgiven, made saints, given a permanent relationship with God and that we have sure promises no court or government can ever take away. Of course there are many things that are serious; sickness, death, poverty, mental health breakdowns, relational dysfunction etc. But, none of those things are the main thing. All of those things can sure feel like the main thing but they are not the main point! It doesn’t mean we deny the suffering or act as if it doesn’t exist. It means we can name the distractions, ask God for help and be confident that the suffering is not permanent. This “main point” in Hebrews will lead us naturally to the Communion Table. There, we will remember Him, the Great High Priest who made the perfect sacrifice and mediates the conditions of a perfect covenant that leads to perfection! Don’t forget that!