“Symptoms or Problem?”
Approx. Read Time:
51 secs
March 21, 2025 (7 days ago)
Symptoms that seem like a problem usually point us to the real problem. It seems like we’d want to deal with the problem but quite often we’ll choose relief from the symptoms rather than deal with the problem. For example, if we’re tired all the time, it probably means we need more sleep. But, if getting more sleep means we’ll have to stop playing video games, we’ll probably just drink some energy drinks.
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March 14, 2025 (14 days ago)
Did that get your attention? The idea that we can take something back and make it great again is not limited to political posturing. Sports teams that are in decline get new coaches or new owners that promise to bring back the glory days. Businesses that are slumping get a new CEO who promises increased dividends and greater market share. The idea of taking something back and making it great again is actually a hi-jacked Christian truth.
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March 7, 2025 (21 days ago)
For some reason, though we hear about violence almost every day in the news, we think it is strange when we read about it in the Bible. There are wars in several countries right now, the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the recent war in Gaza has been in the news almost daily. People are dying. People are being maimed. Families are devastated with loss. Wouldn’t it be weird if a book that covers thousands of years of human history didn’t have any violence?
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“Spiritual Abuse”
Approx. Read Time:
54 secs
February 28, 2025 (one month ago)
Because we are spiritual beings by nature and we have hearts that are seeking what is good, and souls that are longing for approval; we can become targets for spiritual abuse. All abuse is evil, and spiritual abuse is no less evil than other forms of abuse.
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“Many or few…”
Approx. Read Time:
44 secs
February 21, 2025 (one month ago)
Stewardship requires “crunching the numbers.” It’s always a good idea to consider our data and count the cost. However, there are times when the numbers don’t really matter. I’m not simply referring to money, I mean numbers in general.
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