The Stones

July 21, 2023 (one year ago)

Today I’m thinking about the stones, not the rolling ones, the living ones. The rolling ones will eventually be gone but the living ones will never die. The rolling ones are quite popular but there are millions of living stones whose names we do not know. The rolling ones have made a lot of money. Many of the living stones live in poverty. The rolling ones have some nice homes. The living stones are a Temple that is inhabited by the Holy Spirit. The rolling ones are into rock-n-roll; the living stones have the Rock that will never roll. The apostle Peter had his name changed, perhaps you remember, he was Simon until Jesus renamed him “rock.” But in 1 Peter, the apostle didn’t get autobiographical. He knew the Living Stone and assured the believers that all who came to Jesus, the Rock, were added as living stones to the house that God is building. In years past, we have talked about “building the building the occupies the building.” The building that occupies this building on Montcalm Ave is built of much better stuff than the building it meets in. One day, our physical building will be gone but the true building that meets in the building will be alive and well. The implications of Peter’s comments about living stones are profound. I hope we can give you just a taste of what it means to be living stones, built on and connected to the Precious Cornerstone.