The Same

May 5, 2023 (one year ago)

Have you heard or used the expression, “Same-o, same-o?” It is the shortened version of “Same-old, same-old.” It is used to reflect one’s boredom with the lack of change in a given circumstance or practice. It might be used with other phrases, “blah-blah-blah, same-o, same-o.” Some people desire more variety and creativity than others. Some of us are happy with routine predictability! Life would be quite boring without some diversity but since we live in Michigan, we can always count on the weather to keep things interesting. It’s okay to “mix things up a bit” with certain areas of life but there are some things that we want to know are stable, steady and can be counted on. We’re sick of change and we’d like something solid! Thankfully, we have a truth in Hebrews 13 that satisfies our desire for stability. Verse 8 reminds us that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Governments change, Jesus doesn’t. People change, Jesus doesn’t. Income and expenses change, Jesus doesn’t. Music changes, Jesus doesn’t. Pastors and Churches change, Jesus doesn’t. Because He was, is and always will be Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Redeemer, Lord and King, we can have confidence. Things may seem fickle and uncertain in this world, but our hope is in Him. Because of His unchanging nature, He keeps His promises and because He keeps His Word, we can live in peace and with confidence. Life is not boring and neither is the unchanging One, let’s live in light of His reputation.