
September 23, 2022 (2 years ago)

I read an interesting blog this week from the “Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.” I don’t know all their values or beliefs but this statement sure resonates with me, “as civil society in America changed, there was also a loss of civility itself – and the culture of consequence mutated into the culture of no consequences.” That statement really rings like a bell for anyone who is looking around at what is happening in our culture. From politicians, to organizations and individuals, many have seemed to ignore the reality that choices have consequences. We have mutated into a “culture of no consequences.” Of course there are still consequences—reality demands them; but we don’t want them, and we are working hard to avoid or dismiss them. We kick our debt down the road a few years but we don’t deal with it. We over-drug those with mental health issues and think we can avoid the mayhem. We approve false-hood and morally bankrupt principles and wonder why we have anxiety over-load and depression. We embrace meaninglessness and wonder why suicide rates are climbing. There are consequences to ideas, principles and choices. And, there are consequences for eternity based on the choices we make now about God, His gracious offer through Christ and what we believe life is about and how to live. There are political issues and there are social issues and there are spiritual issues with eternal consequences. We better make sure we are on the right side of reality.